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  • Feature: Premier event with speakers from across the globe
  • Success: Change your perspective, change your life!

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Break It

Free yourself from the programming. Seek Truth and Live Free.


An Antidote is a countermeasure to the mishaps in this journey we call life, a remedy, a second opportunity to make our wrongs right!
Be encouraged, do not despair, look to God He is the antidote to life’s challenges.

Lift Others

There’s a bond that draws us together, it's a bond that uplifts, it is a bond that unites us.


Harness your inner strength

Golden Nuggets

A Golden Nugget is treasured wisdom that harnesses the energy that propels you to take action.


The driving force that can propel you towards success.


You are destined to lead a life rich with purpose.


Live a purpose-driven life that is ever-striving toward your divinely orchestrated destiny


Rooted from deep within comes your desire, your discipline and your determination

The Journey Begins
With The First Step

We are all on this journey called life.
Sometimes it is a long road...the only way we get to to 'Start Walkin'

Principles To Live By

Principles to live by are practical habits that foster success in all areas of your life.

This disciplined focus is a recipe for reaching greater success moving you to higher heights!

You can't be great at everything. You have to pick the things that are important to you and focus on them. When you do that, success will come easier and faster.

The Power Of Small Acts...
Moves Mountains

Through kindness one to another, even in the 'small things' we can yield a massive impact!


...what direction are you pointed?

Principles 4 Success

How do you measure success?
Do you see material possessions like cars, luxury homes as the flagship of your success? Or do you count the dividends of success in the form of the joy, the smiles and laughter you experience with your family and friends, or perhaps the time you are able to spend with your children and grandchildren.
How about the impact, contribution and legacy that you are so blessed to gift to generations to come.
But notwithstanding all of this, let the love for one another be the fruit of success that we seek to plant!

Navigate Your Compass

navigate you compass to peace, love, righteousness and joy.

Take Captive

Take hold of your words.
There is power in your words; from them breaths life or death

ReSet Your Mind

Reset your mind and change the course of your life.
We all are responsible for our own lives no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in.
It is possible to change our trajectory for our life, you must believe you can and change your self-image.
We believe in you, it is never too late nor is it ever too early!

Be Present

The only time you have ... is NOW!
Celebrate it with gratitude!

Limitless Potential

It’s important to recognize that while our brains are capable of great things, we also have the power to limit ourselves through negative thinking and self-doubt.

Limitless Line

We all have it....

Let’s reach towards the limitless potential God has gifted us!

Limitless Potential

By recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs, we can tap into our full divine potential and achieve amazing things beyond our imagination.

We are at peace...

It is an active state of being, and one that can be achieved through intentional action

We are at Peace

It is not enough to win a war;
it is more important to organize the peace.

Peace is more than the absence of violence or war.


By definition...
no incorporated entity can be a sovereign entity